July 2021


Two days on Sahara

The Sahara covers the southern part of Tunisia. This region may seem boring. You can ask what can I see there? Nothing could be further from the truth. I invite you on a short tour of this magical part of the world.

The hot sands of the Sahara hide the houses of the Troglodytes - people who live in caves and the Xsars - people who live in fortifications. There are also "movie sets" in this area. In the Tunisian part of the Sahara were filmed: Star Wars, Indiana Jones and the English Patient. In the middle of the Sahara, which can be reached by 4x4 vehicle, there is a Star Wars village built for the film and the surrounding lunar landscape can be seen in the adaptations. Sahara has also beautiful oases and the Atlas Mountains - this is where the beautiful Chebika is located 6 km from the border with Algeria.

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